Module 6: Begin making a block dodger game in JS Canvas

Objective: use variables, operators, and functions to create a simple animation.

  1. Getting started
  2. Hello, Canvas!
  3. Adding animation
  4. Over and out

Getting started

Willy Wonka game programming meme

Welcome back! Now that we've had a small taste of JavaScript and are getting comfortable with our development environment, it's time to dive right into game development. We'll introduce the remaining basics of programming in the context of a graphical game.

We're going to use JS's built-in graphics library, Canvas, to render the graphics. Canvas is an ideal game framework to use because it's simple and no-frills, forcing us to write all of the game mechanics from scratch. Later, we'll (optionally) be able to use a more complex game framework that will handle some of the work for us.

A good way to start is to plan out the result on paper. The primary game mechanic works like this: Using the mouse, a player will move a block left and right along the bottom of the screen, dodging falling blocks of different sizes and speeds. Every block that the player avoids colliding with increases the player's score by 1. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible.

Hello, Canvas!

All graphics programs take a little bit of code to set up and show something on screen. Don't worry too much about the specifics of the code--it'll make more sense later on, but I'll offer a provisional explanation below. Don't forget to copy the HTML and CSS portions. You're welcome to follow along with the code in Codepen or in your local environment. Don't forget to reference your .js script and .css stylesheet from your .html file if you're working locally.

See the Pen block dodger (part 1) by ggorlen (@ggorlen) on CodePen.

There's a lot going on here! Let's break it down a bit. Don't worry if these explanations are dense; they'll make more sense later on in the course:



That's about all we'll really need in terms of HTML and CSS for the remainder of the semester!

The JS

Now we begin looking at the JS, which is where all the action is.

Adding animation

So now we have a square on our canvas! Let's make it move.

Here's the truth: animation is a bit of a smoke-and-mirrors game; if you show a picture of a person for a split second, then show another picture of that person after they've moved slightly for another split second and repeat the process, you create the illusion of motion.

Muybridge woman jumping

And that's exactly what we'll do on our canvas. To do so, we'll need two tools:

  1. number variables to keep track of the square's x and y position on the screen
  2. some kind of way for the program to draw the screen again and again, a few dozen times a second, over a period of time.

For the first tool, let's declare two variables and set them to some default values:

// Number variables to hold the x and y position of the rectangle
let x = 10;
let y = 10;

Then, we'll want to replace our literal numbers in the fillRect() parameter with our variables:

ctx.fillRect(x, y, 70, 50);

For the second tool, we're going to write our first ever function. This function will be called about 60 times every second as long as the animation is running. Each time this function is called, it will calculate the latest position of everything on the screen and render the entire animation on the canvas. This function doesn't require any parameters, nor does it return any values, so it's very simple. Since it updates the screen, it's common to call this function update, render, or redraw.

// Updates the animation state and draws a frame
function update() {
  // Clear the entire canvas
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  // Update the position of the rectangle
  x += 2;
  y += 2;

  // Draw a rectangle on the screen
  // top-left corner x, top-left corner y, width, height
  ctx.fillRect(x, y, 70, 50);

  // Ask the browser to move on to the next frame

Other than the function definition, the x += 5; line is new. This simply adds 5 to the prior value of x and stores this sum back in x. It's shorthand for x = x + 5;.

Last, but not least, we need to actually call the function we just defined:

// Begin the animation

Let's put it all together. As with previous examples, feel free to tweak numbers, remove/add lines of code and generally experiment until you're sure you have a good grasp on how it all works.

See the Pen block dodger (part 2) by ggorlen (@ggorlen) on CodePen.

I hope you caught that. The rectangle flies off the screen pretty quickly, so run the script again if you missed it.

Over and out

OK, we're animating! I know some of the snazzy animation code is intimidating at first, but stick with it, it'll make sense as the game comes together.

Til next time!

Nyan cat